
Forums > SuperMotors Community Discussion > General Automotive Discussion
What ramps you got?
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• New York, NY, USA
• Registered on 4/19/2012
• 10 posts
Posted:5/24/2012 11:27
Hey all, got a f250 truck... nothing special only some CAI and upgraded exhaust. Next month I gotta pick up an old mustang 69'er for restoration and need some ramps on my trailer... now I don't have ramps on my trailer and I remember seeing once a trailer that had nice sliding ramps but they did not seem to be standard of the factory, anyone knows where to buy a smooth system like that? All I could find now is for example this one but seems like a non attached thing? Anybody? Thanks!
Forums > SuperMotors Community Discussion > General Automotive Discussion
What ramps you got?
Thread Statistics:     Users to Post: 1   |   Total Posts: 1   |   Total Views: 1364
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