
Forums > SuperMotors Community Discussion > General Automotive Discussion
Help, I think there's a ghost in my Crown Vic!
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• Pelzer, SC, USA
• Registered on 8/17/2012
• 3 posts
Posted:8/17/2012 07:19
My wipers have decided to turn themselves on at random. Anybody have any ideas why? I have a 2003 Crown Victoria.

• Pelzer, SC, USA
• Registered on 8/17/2012
• 3 posts
Posted:12/5/2012 12:38
Found out what the problem was; a bad battery. When I replaced it they stopped doing it. Either that my ghost friend got bored with me and left.
• Atlanta, GA, USA
• Registered on 12/11/2012
• 10 posts
Posted:12/11/2012 13:19
yup, my marq was possesed by the same ghost. watch the new battery, mine started to do the possesion after a few months. new leads and ground points and its was properly Exorcized
• Zibo, AR, Sweden
• Registered on 3/15/2014
• 7 posts
Posted:3/23/2014 23:39
One issue with using armed drones to attack human targets is the size of the bombs being used and the relative lack of discrimination of the 100 lb (45 kg) Hellfire, which was designed to eliminate tanks and attack bunkers.
edited 3/23/2014 23:41
• Zibo, AR, Sweden
• Registered on 3/15/2014
• 7 posts
Posted:3/23/2014 23:39
Belt CP V2 450
One issue with using armed drones to attack human targets is the size of the bombs being used and the relative lack of discrimination of the 100 lb (45 kg) Hellfire, which was designed to eliminate tanks and attack bunkers.
Forums > SuperMotors Community Discussion > General Automotive Discussion
Help, I think there's a ghost in my Crown Vic!
Thread Statistics:     Users to Post: 3   |   Total Posts: 5   |   Total Views: 2911
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