
Forums > SuperMotors Community Discussion > Engine and Drivetrain
When should you transform your car's brake pads?
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• new york, CO, USA
• Registered on 11/20/2013
• 2 posts
Posted:11/20/2013 01:41
The lifespan of a set of brake pads is dependent on a diverse reasons-C material, form, composition, driving style, maintenance, heat, stress, fraction, and so on. Mechanics and producers reveal that pads can last from a mere 100 miles to an astounding 100,000 miles. Offered such far-ranging numbers, how can you know when do your brake pads need to be changed?
Of course, the ideal time to take care of brake pad issues or brake troubles is just before they occur. By applying some car diagnostic tool, that do not need much more mechanical experience, a single can simply get out irrespective of whether the brake pads are worn.
A obd2 scanner will perfectly solve the issue. The tool will produce you with one or much more codes, pointing problems together with your car method. And you can discover if the brake pads are alright soon after looking up what the codes imply.
Forums > SuperMotors Community Discussion > Engine and Drivetrain
When should you transform your car's brake pads?
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