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SMN tab hangs on return from other tab in IE11 on Win7Ultx64
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• Memphis, TN, USA
• Registered on 2/12/2003
• 40 posts
25 Vehicles
Posted:7/14/2014 23:06
This is happening progressively more over the past few days to the point that it has happened 3x in the past hour: I navigate to a SMN page; I switch to another tab for a while; I try to come back to the SMN tab, but the screen is mostly white; after a few seconds, I get the yellow bar at the bottom that says " is not responding due to a long-running script. Would you like to stop the script?"; of course (why the HELL does it ask?) I click stop; after a few more seconds, it asks if I want to check for a solution & close, or just close; I always say check & close; after a few seconds, IE recovers the tab and I continue.

But just now, it failed to recover the tab (not Error 404, but something similar - I forgot the number), which was just on a normal media page (still photo). So I had to navigate back to my registry page before I could get here. But fortunately, I copied the report before I told it to check & close, so here's that:
A problem caused this program to stop interacting with Windows.

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: AppHangB1
Application Name: iexplore.exe
Application Version: 11.0.9600.17207
Application Timestamp: 53a20c50
Hang Signature: fa3f
Hang Type: 131072
OS Version: 6.1.7601.
Locale ID: 1033
Additional Hang Signature 1: fa3fe230383b5b3f65841bd8b570c04f
Additional Hang Signature 2: ca6d
Additional Hang Signature 3: ca6d2b5e5a66e278694a63c56e56eaaf
Additional Hang Signature 4: fa3f
Additional Hang Signature 5: fa3fe230383b5b3f65841bd8b570c04f
Additional Hang Signature 6: ca6d
Additional Hang Signature 7: ca6d2b5e5a66e278694a63c56e56eaaf

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I have to assume it's coming from one of the ads.

Can someone please ban "masbi" and delete all his stupid posts, especially his signature links?

Walk softly & carry a BIG SIX.
edited 7/14/2014 23:09
• Chandler, AZ, USA
• Registered on 3/11/2015
• 42 posts
Posted:4/21/2015 15:22
hi steve, yes i think the moderators need help here, i see way too much garbage. the script bots can be controlled on your end thru a "no-scripts" firewall.
if your using firefox it helps.
search "no scripts" and install.
other than that, its up to the moderators...
i wish he would give me the power to edit .
i would definatiy "mow the grass"
Forums > SuperMotors Topics > SuperMotors Support & Suggestions
SMN tab hangs on return from other tab in IE11 on Win7Ultx64
Thread Statistics:     Users to Post: 2   |   Total Posts: 2   |   Total Views: 1206
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