Welcome to SVT Cobra Mustang Club

Exclusively for SVT Cobra Owners

SVT Cobra Mustang Club History
The SCMC is a non-profit organization that was started on June 28, 1999 and incorporated on August 13, 1999.
Currently we have over 365 mailing list members and 420 SCMC members worldwide. The SCMC is divided into geographic regions throughout the United States. Each region has a representative that is responsible for planning and coordinating events within their region.
Our website address is www.svtcobraclub.com. We have an average of 1.5 million hits a month and were voted the "hottest" website by Stangnet. Our visitors find a wealth of information on our website, including videos, pictures, event listings, SVT updates, a webring, classifieds, membership applications, mailing list, bulletin board, and a monthly feature photo and story. Check our "Attended Events" section of the website to learn more about particular club activities.
Monthly club meetings are held in our chat room on the first Sunday of each month at 9:00 pm EDT/EST. These meetings are held to conduct club business as well as to provide an opportunity for members to socialize. We also have special guests from Ford SVT join in our meetings to answer questions and update us about SVT vehicles.
As our organization grows so do the benefits. We now get discounts from Steeda Mustang, Kenny Brown, Ace Speed Shop, Print Plus Inc, PPI, OMP Racing, Custom Performance, Mirage Motorsports, and Young Ford. We also get specials from Houston Performance.
Our newsletter Snakebite is a great source of knowledge for all members. Different members contribute articles that share their SVT Cobra experiences. The regular features include technical articles, calendar of events, member recognition section, a recap of quarterly events, and classifieds.
Our club's Vision Statement is as follows:
The SCMC's objectives are to share knowledge and information with SVT Mustang Cobra owners and enthusiasts. We seek to promote a sense of camaraderie and friendship among all members through events and club communications. We want to provide our members the best vendor discounts with the most reputable merchants. We strive to put the needs and interest of our members first.

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Mach Exhaust Clip 01.wav
914 hits | 4.4 MB | Posted: 11/12/09

1138 hits | 75.68 KB | Posted: 4/30/08

1175 hits | 87.25 KB | Posted: 4/30/08

1194 hits | 88.11 KB | Posted: 4/30/08

1143 hits | 91.04 KB | Posted: 4/30/08

1296 hits | 101.15 KB | Posted: 4/30/08

1235 hits | 96.4 KB | Posted: 4/30/08

1238 hits | 67.55 KB | Posted: 4/30/08

1202 hits | 79.16 KB | Posted: 4/30/08

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2000 Ford Mustang

2000 Ford Mustang
# of posted files: 10
Owner: GittiUp

1995 Ford Mustang

1995 Ford Mustang
"1995 Cobra R ex-IMSA Hacker Express 00"
# of posted files: 54
Owner: NJ2000R

1993 Ford Mustang

1993 Ford Mustang
"1993 Mustang Cobra - SOLD!"
# of posted files: 75
Owner: NJ2000R

1995 Ford Mustang

1995 Ford Mustang
"1995 Mustang Cobra Convertible - SOLD!"
# of posted files: 36
Owner: NJ2000R

2000 Ford Mustang

2000 Ford Mustang
"2000 Cobra R #262"
# of posted files: 328
Owner: NJ2000R

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