
Forums > Car and Truck Make and Model Specific > Mustang, Saleen, Roush
Can I swap parts from any older mustangs into my 1987 thunderbird?
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Brandon Wheaton
• White Cloud, MI, USA
• Registered on 6/26/2003
• 5 posts
Posted:6/26/2003 22:41
I can barely find any parts for my T-Bird, so I'm PRAYING that I can swap some parts from similar year model mustangs into it. So, can I? I've heard they were built on the same running gear, but I'm not sure. Any information would be appreciated.
John Barrett
• West Palm Beach, FL, USA
• Registered on 1/31/2003
• 106 posts
1 Vehicle
Posted:8/25/2003 16:47
I can barely find any parts for my T-Bird, so I'm PRAYING that I can swap some parts from similar year model mustangs into it. So, can I? I've heard they were built on the same running gear, but I'm not sure. Any information would be appreciated.

If you are talking (Motors, Transmission & Rear Axles) Yes.

If you are talking body wise (NO.).

Forums > Car and Truck Make and Model Specific > Mustang, Saleen, Roush
Can I swap parts from any older mustangs into my 1987 thunderbird?
Thread Statistics:     Users to Post: 2   |   Total Posts: 2   |   Total Views: 838
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