
Forums > Car and Truck Make and Model Specific > Bronco, Bronco II
difference between knock sensor and misfire detection sensor?
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• Seattle, WA, USA
• Registered on 11/26/2014
• 16 posts
1 Vehicle
Posted:4/12/2015 11:02
As I said, I put a 96 ODBII 5.8L into my 95 EEC-IV Bronco that used to have a 5.0L in it. The old engine I guess used to have a knock sensor in it. I guess it's at the back of the engine? (I can't seem to find a good picture of it out there, yet). The 96 has a sensor near the harmonic balancer. I looked around on the internet, and they're calling it a "misfire detection sensor". Is that a knock sensor, or something else? If it's a knock sensor, I assume Ford moved it from the top/back of the engine to the front? Confused.
Forums > Car and Truck Make and Model Specific > Bronco, Bronco II
difference between knock sensor and misfire detection sensor?
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