
Forums > SuperMotors Community Discussion > Introductions
New here, looking for answers on some mods check out my wild Panther!
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• Adel, GA, USA
• Registered on 10/10/2015
• 5 posts
Posted:10/10/2015 11:52
FIrst off let me state, I dont have a normal Panther chassis model, its techinicaly a 1999 Towncar but I cut and rewelded a 1962 Continental body onto the the floor of the TC, making this the ONLY street legal body on frame 61-69 lincoln Continental

It has a RIDICULOUS amount of modifications done to it, nearly every panel has some sort of mod to it along with the chassis as well.

when I picked up my car in jan 08


starting the major mod

making things fit

heres a pretty large build thread on My car here

In any case, I joined up because Ive been lurking around and seeing some info but not really finding what I wanted to know

any other type of exhaust manifolds off say a mustang work on my car? reason being Im going to be doing a CAT DELETE (dont worry, 1962 dosnt have emisions lol)
I see most are not happy with any shorty type headers, I cant do long tubes they'll just get destroyed when my car lays out.

how is the egr delete done? I would like to elliminate that as well

I have a local shop that will tune it for both EGR and O2 deletes

I have a BBK throttle body and a open air cone, what other suporting mods would help out? I do plan on adding full cold air ductwork to the front of my car later. It has the stock MAF

It does have true duals with Hpipe right now

runs great and have put on 40K in 3 short years after putting the car together.

also I saw somwhere someone put all the coils together and made it look like a distributer with wires running to individual plugs, anyone try that?

besides the J-MOD, anything else worth doing to the trans? the car is daily driven so im not into crazy performance stuff

has anyone made their own rear adjustable axle arms? im headed in that direction as I need to move my axle back about 2 inches for clearance reasons.

if you dont mind please post any links to threads so I can check them out!

edited 10/10/2015 12:02
• Adel, GA, USA
• Registered on 10/10/2015
• 5 posts
Posted:10/10/2015 11:55
well I totaly blew it on posting pics, lol my bad
• Adel, GA, USA
• Registered on 10/10/2015
• 5 posts
Posted:10/10/2015 12:02
well stilll couldnt figure it out so its just links to some pics...
• Adel, GA, USA
• Registered on 10/10/2015
• 5 posts
Posted:10/11/2015 10:00
Tough crowd here....
Forums > SuperMotors Community Discussion > Introductions
New here, looking for answers on some mods check out my wild Panther!
Thread Statistics:     Users to Post: 1   |   Total Posts: 4   |   Total Views: 580
You must be logged in to post in or subscribe to this thread.Pages: 1

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