
Forums > SuperMotors Community Discussion > Introductions
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• Registered on 3/8/2016
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1 Vehicle
Posted:3/8/2016 17:04
I'm Aaron and I just bought my first serious Ford vehicle. I had an old truck before but this is my first time that I went against the grain and bought a Ford. We are a GM family, LOL, or was... I just purchased a 2002 Ford Excursion a few days ago. It is a fixer upper but has an rebuilt V10 Triton engine. I have been spending the last 2 days getting things right on it before I send it off to the body shop to be painted.

I originally wanted to lift it but that will come a bit later. Right now this is my daily driver commuting to work. When I get another vehicle as my daily commuter I will put a 6" lift on this one... Anyway, enough about me, what's up with you?
Forums > SuperMotors Community Discussion > Introductions
Hello Everyone
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