
Forums > SuperMotors Community Discussion > Introductions
1969 Ranchero project
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• Monmouth, OR, USA
• Registered on 7/23/2016
• 1 post
1 Vehicle
Posted:7/25/2016 19:14
I am bringing my father's 1969 Ranchero to my house to work on.

It has not been driven in over 20 years, but has been stored out of the weather. He purchased it new, and it is in pretty good shape and less than 60,000 miles. However it will be a pretty big project so will be asking for some advice.

He says it is a GT, but I believe it might also be called A Rio Grande. It has the following details. Wimbledon White, hood with scoop, side stripes, chrome bed rails, 390 engine.
edited 7/25/2016 19:15
Forums > SuperMotors Community Discussion > Introductions
1969 Ranchero project
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