
Forums > SuperMotors Community Discussion > Introductions
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• Carson City, NV, USA
• Registered on 11/23/2002
• 25 posts
1 Motorcycle
3 Vehicles
Posted:1/25/2003 17:22
Hey. My name is Norm and I'm a Broncoholic. I bought my 86 Bronco about a year ago and I haven't looked back. I started with 28" tires running stock and now I'm up to 33's and 4" of lift. To say this is a hobby would be underestimating it. To wheel is my passion. Making my machine better off road is an obsession. I'm sure I'm not alone with that one regardless of what you drive. Else you probably wouldn't be here. Anywho. Here's my rig if you care to check it out. NORM

Hi, I'm Norm and I'm a Broncoholic
• jogya, CT, United Kingdom
• Registered on 3/24/2015
• 5 posts
Posted:3/24/2015 22:19

I am glad to meet you here and I like to talk about the vehicle 86 Bronco. What is the maximum speed that can be achieved by 86 Bronco yours?

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Forums > SuperMotors Community Discussion > Introductions
Hello All!
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