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2006 p71 won't start
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• gatineau , XX, Canada
• Registered on 5/8/2017
• 3 posts
Posted:5/8/2017 19:41
hello everyone!
i am known as crowncrazy819 or jimcv819
i have a big issue with my p71
i am hoping someone can help me plz
she cranks but won't start
i have changed the alt, bat, 3 coils, sparkplugs, crank sensor, and feul pump all recently
i have checked wiring and fuses by eye, everything looks fine
checked relays for pump and pcm by swaping out with horn relay, ok
rpm does not move when cranking
dash lights go out when cranking then come back on
if you turn key on/off 3/4 times in a row lights go out, then you must wait a couple mins in off pos before they will come back on in on pos
anertia switch on/down pos in trunk
cannot hear pump prime but smells gas when cranked multiple times
this paint peeling x-cop car ran awsome until this happened. no signs of being sick.came out from store and she left me hanging!
i tried pluging my bluetooth diagnostic device ( phone ) to the car and get " cannot connect to ecu " as message, but yet works fine on other vehicles. no codes given.
i am wondering if it is not the pcm that is the problem
if so what is compatable with my 2006 crown vic p71
thx CC819
Forums > SuperMotors Topics > SuperMotors Support & Suggestions
2006 p71 won't start
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