
Forums > SuperMotors Community Discussion > Introductions
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• Ft Lupton, CO, USA
• Registered on 7/16/2017
• 2 posts
Posted:7/16/2017 11:48
From Colorful Colorado! I'm looking forward to digging into the forums here, and seeing what other folks have done with their vintage Mercury Cougars!
I have been working on my small fleet for far too many years, and have recently bought my first home. Hopefully I will get things finished before I die, but sometimes I wonder!
Anyway, if there are any other Cougar people here, I'm near Brighton, Colorado. I'm working on a 1967 Cougar XR7, a 68 standard, and most favorite car that I have been working on since the early 80's, my 69 Cougar..
Forums > SuperMotors Community Discussion > Introductions
Good afternoon,
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