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• Ithaca, NY, USA
• Registered on 1/21/2018
• 9 posts
Posted:1/21/2018 00:58
Just acquired a P71. Although it seems like 'about time' for me, being I'm one who always goes for specific cars, these always fell short on my list in comparisons. That was mostly due to price, and I did not pay for this one. Being as police cars basically come with nothing on the inside, I couldn't pull away from my European cars to try one out. Plus my line of work meant I ended up driving them enough (although that's really why I began to like them). As far as older cruisers go the Ford is by far my favorite and really the only one worth while (in my opinion). The old (2008-ish) Impala cruisers, one of which I daily operate, don't stack up to these cars and I dislike it.

So, here I am. I'll be posting my issue shortly, as the vehicle was free due to lack of forward gears. I did some car hauling for a guy, paid for gas and we called it even. This thing was going to the scrapper if not for me, so I've saved one.

I will upload a pic at least for my icon soon. Don't have my own camera. cell phones drive me nuts (and I'm 27!)
Forums > SuperMotors Community Discussion > Introductions
Hello All
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