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crazy door locks
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• Gainesville, FL, USA
• Registered on 12/13/2020
• 1 post
Posted:12/13/2020 12:21
I have a 2006 CVPI and the battery goes dead eventually after the car sits for a week or so. If I charge up the battery, I see a spark at the cable terminal after reconnecting. I hear a click like the driver door lock solenoid also when I reconnect. Also there is an aftermarket alarm system with a keyfob that will unlock the door remotely. I haven't used it in years.

I'm thinking something is stuck on and is always drawing current. I would be content just to pull a fuse it that will solve the problem and just use the key on this car which I am going to sell. But if the fix isn't expensive, I might do that. Also have a 2010 that doesn't have many issues.
Forums > SuperMotors Community Discussion > Introductions
crazy door locks
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