
Forums > Car and Truck Make and Model Specific > Mustang, Saleen, Roush
Timing Belt
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Shelley Crone
• Minneapolis, MN, USA
• Registered on 8/23/2003
• 1 post
Posted:8/23/2003 15:03
I have a 1990 Mustang LX that needs a timing belt. Most auto repair shops charge $60-$95 per hour for this $15.00 part Does anybody know a GOOD reputable shade-tree mechanic in or around North Minneapolis? The car is not running and would have to be towed.
John Barrett
• West Palm Beach, FL, USA
• Registered on 1/31/2003
• 106 posts
1 Vehicle
Posted:8/25/2003 16:40
I have a 1990 Mustang LX that needs a timing belt. Most auto repair shops charge $60-$95 per hour for this $15.00 part Does anybody know a GOOD reputable shade-tree mechanic in or around North Minneapolis? The car is not running and would have to be towed.

No I would not.

But is a easy replacement, any one can do it, even yourself.

Remove Surpentine belt, the one behind the one that turns the A/C, then remove one Philips head bolt in the center of the plastic cover & the is a 10mm - 13mm bolt on the bottom (To remove plastic cover and there is the timing belt, Now do not turn the motor in any direction (This part is important), remove old belt and replace with new one, then put each piece that you taken off backward until you got the Surpentine belt back on, Your Done.

Hope this helps.
edited 8/25/2003 16:43
Forums > Car and Truck Make and Model Specific > Mustang, Saleen, Roush
Timing Belt
Thread Statistics:     Users to Post: 2   |   Total Posts: 2   |   Total Views: 866
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