
Forums > Car and Truck Make and Model Specific > Bronco, Bronco II
how can i get more HP from 351W?
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Jerry Wasmer
• Lebanon, MO, USA
• Registered on 2/22/2003
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Posted:2/25/2003 21:32
Hey whats up? I got a 91 full size bronco with a 351 Windsor. It all stock. What is the first step to getting more horsepower without getting too expensive? It's fuel injected. Could I or should I switch to carburator?
Any help is good help!!
Thanks and happy trails,
• Oklahoma City, OK, USA
• Registered on 2/19/2003
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Posted:2/26/2003 08:32
I would think swapping over to carb'd would start running up the balance pretty quick. I would say the first step is to make it breath better, ie.. cat back exhaust and something like a k&n filter would bring more air in and get it out. This could get you a few extra ponys without breaking the bank. K&n offers a filter kit that bypasses the stock air filter box that really adds a few more than just the filter, but you can fab up your own and get pretty decent results. You can get really good results with an aftermarket intake manifold, heads and cam, but that will take you out of the inexpensive catagory. You might also look at some ignition systems and good tune up, that can always help......stay safe and good luck----Fog

89 Bronco Mostly stock, newer 302 and 33's
• los Angeles, CA, USA
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Posted:2/26/2003 20:52
which transmission do you have?AOD,or E40D.(you are thinking what the hell does this have to do with more power)i will help you if you answer my question.

01 excursion psd hellwig rear stabalizer 285 michelins suncoast converter transmission custom built with Transgo shift kit,by me.
TTS computer chip,next mod-TTS exhaust system
Clint Hulsey
• Lewisville, TX, USA
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Posted:2/27/2003 18:25
I have an E4OD, so what does this have to do with engine power?
• los Angeles, CA, USA
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Posted:2/27/2003 20:41
a Transgo shift kit installed properly(means pulling the trans)will give you about 8 to 10 pecent more torque off the line and mid range(if installed properly.)exhaust will give you more power(catback will help,mid-pipe will give better gains,but may not be smog legal.KN filters are more hipe than truth.i have put them on many cars,dont know why.on the dyno,they show nothing.a gear change will show more bang for the buck than anything else you can think of.i have done these mods on trucks,cars race cars,you name bs.

good luck,mike

01 excursion psd hellwig rear stabalizer 285 michelins suncoast converter transmission custom built with Transgo shift kit,by me.
TTS computer chip,next mod-TTS exhaust system
Nick Guiod
• Walpole, MA, USA
• Registered on 2/28/2003
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Posted:2/28/2003 09:43
theres lots of things you can do like add a chip, get better exhaust, take off your cats, etc.
• Temple, TX, USA
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Posted:3/4/2003 20:29
I have to agree with gearman, put gears and lockers in and you will think you are driving a different truck ! If you have already put biger tires on this will really help. I say lockers too because if you are already there might as well, it won't cost any more for insalation now, but it will later if you don't. plus the difference you will see in off road performance ( read MUD ) is unreal. Check out I was able to do a 81 F150 for around $1,200 this included Detroit locker in the rear 9 inch and a Auburn posi in the front Dana 44 and 4:56 gears in both you'l have to price instalation, I did my own. the stock gear in the truck was 3:00 talk about a difference I had to try to get it stuck and usually I was pulling every one else out ( read Jeeps )+ ( lots of free beer and food when you can do this) my engine was a wore out 302 from a 86 LTD and I could drive around riggs costing alot more.
matt adamchick
• Boston, NY, USA
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Posted:4/4/2003 16:40
Nick Guiod
I'm also looking for cheap performance upgraded for my 96 bronc.

I'm guessing that when you said take off you cats you meant catalytic converter. What kind of gain would that give you.
• Roy, WA, USA
• Registered on 3/9/2003
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Posted:4/4/2003 20:39
First do the cheap stuff
K&N FIPK or just purchase the filter and fab your own brackets.
This gave me a hell of a roar and about 15hp.Filter=$46,Kit=$220

Thats not dented, It's customized
Randy Zrubek
• Palacios, TX, USA
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Posted:4/5/2003 13:38
The K&N FIPK and a superchip is about all that I would do to the motor. In addition to that, a free-flowing muffler like a Flowmaster, and a shift-kit for the tranny will 'put you into the seat' on the Bronco. If you try modifying the engine anymore with ported heads, a new cam, etc., you may have alot of trouble with the ECM. Us carb guys have a little more headroom here, but you still have to consider what that extra power will do to your tranny and the rest of the drivetrain!
Forums > Car and Truck Make and Model Specific > Bronco, Bronco II
how can i get more HP from 351W?
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