
Forums > Car and Truck Make and Model Specific > Mustang, Saleen, Roush
Ford Racing M16700A Stainls Hood Latch/Pin Kt
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rarouas  Club Owner
• tarzana, CA, USA
• Registered on 11/27/2002
• 5 posts
2 Vehicles
Posted:8/23/2007 10:39
please i need the installation guide to this Ford Racing M16700A Stainls Hood Latch/Pin Kt i need to know where to cut the hood where to install the pins any pdf link or anything that you think can help me install this kit without messing up my nice hood. please help my email is

You Heard it from Me f350 @ rarouas
Forums > Car and Truck Make and Model Specific > Mustang, Saleen, Roush
Ford Racing M16700A Stainls Hood Latch/Pin Kt
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