
Forums > SuperMotors Community Discussion > Introductions
parts location
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• Dallas, TX, USA
• Registered on 9/15/2009
• 1 post
Posted:9/15/2009 21:36
Hi gang - new at this. Bought a 63 galaxie 500XL and having trouble locating certain parts. I'm used to newer Chevy stuff but I've always liked this car. It'll be great when it's done! I need to locate a set of headers or exhaust manifolds for the 390 fe big block. Had the car a month and already have the engine & tranny rebuilt. Frame out from under it - cleaned up and back under it with new body bushings. New rear springs and suspension/steering bushings. Got a great deal on a dual quad set-up off of ebay. Started straightening some of the sheet metal issues and hope to have that done by the end of the week. Can't wait to hear from ya-all (Texan) thanx
Forums > SuperMotors Community Discussion > Introductions
parts location
Thread Statistics:     Users to Post: 1   |   Total Posts: 1   |   Total Views: 537
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