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Radius arm extend?
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• Lake Forest, CA, USA
• Registered on 9/17/2009
• 1 post
Posted:9/17/2009 13:36
Hello, new to this site and have a problem I can't resolve.

I have a 2004 Ford Sport Trac 4x4, it has had a front tire inner wear cupping problem since I bought it new. I have since put a 4-inch Superlift suspension lift kit on it and still has the same problem. I am wearing out tires at a very fast pace. I have done all the things the dealership and many other suggestions from wheel alignment, new shocks, new ball joints, new tie rods, balancing, lowering the tire pressure ect....Nothing fix's this problem?

I think the problem lies with the camber. I have put on an aftermarket camber adjustment kit due to the Ford Sport Trac does not come with one. This seemed to help somewhat...but even though I have it adjusted to make my tires stand straight up and down instead of the inward / - \ lean that it almost always reverts to. The caber is now extended as far out as the camber kit will allow and my tires are still starting to have the inward lean again. What can I do to get more adjustment to bring the tires "out" \ - / at the top of the tire? Can I get more adjustment by installing longer Radius Arms? My goal it to make my front tires stand up straight | - | , and stay there, eliminate the inside cupping wear problem. This is a real problem for many Sport Trac owners as I have searched many Ford blogs and no one seems to have a fix for this and everyone still seems to have the same problem as me. There must be something out there to fix this?

Tired of being cupped!
Forums > SuperMotors Community Discussion > Introductions
Radius arm extend?
Thread Statistics:     Users to Post: 1   |   Total Posts: 1   |   Total Views: 724
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