
Forums > SuperMotors Topics > SuperMotors Support & Suggestions
67 ranchero motor
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• petaluma, CA, USA
• Registered on 12/1/2009
• 1 post
1 Vehicle
Posted:12/2/2009 00:26
i'm installing a 351 cleveland in a 67 ranchero, it has a c-4 or fmx? bolted on to it. what kind of mounts and exhaust manifolds and drive line parts will i be needing. i am taking a 289 out. also a set of electric windows would be a fine addition!! any links or info would help.
• Phoenix, AZ, USA
• Registered on 1/26/2010
• 2 posts
1 Vehicle
Posted:8/28/2010 12:25
I pulled the 302 out of my 68 Ranchero and put a 351C in. It bolted to the same transmission. The motor mounts are the same. I ran into trouble with my power steering setup but that was because I used the biggest headers I could find.
Forums > SuperMotors Topics > SuperMotors Support & Suggestions
67 ranchero motor
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