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• baghdad, XX, Other
• Registered on 11/10/2008
• 10 posts
4 Vehicles
Posted:6/10/2010 17:14

i have uploaded more than 200 files during 9 months successfully but the registry entry for it is not active yet. is there a problem?

also the total hit count on media files is not the same as the individuals. why?

thanks and great site.

• Memphis, TN, USA
• Registered on 2/12/2003
• 40 posts
25 Vehicles
Posted:6/18/2010 16:49
...the registry entry for it...
WHICH "it"??? You appear to have 3 vehicle registries: 2 CVs & a Cavalier.
also the total hit count on media files is not the same as the individuals. why?
There is no total. The hit count for the registry is just for the registry's main page - not the sum of all the hits within the registry. Same for the album hits.

But the hit counter has been turned off for a few months. This is from the thread currently below yours:
When we moved to the new datacenter with uncapped premium bandwidth it dramatically increased the rate of queries to the database and at peak load times was overloading things so we have hit counting temporarily disabled while we work on restructuring things.

Walk softly & carry a BIG SIX.
edited 6/18/2010 16:50
Forums > SuperMotors Topics > SuperMotors Support & Suggestions
vehicle is not active
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