
Forums > Car and Truck Make and Model Specific > Bronco, Bronco II
black smog,water,smell gas.
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• quebradillas, XX, Puerto Rico (U.S.)
• Registered on 11/24/2010
• 3 posts
Posted:11/24/2010 12:27
hellow friends,i have ford 302 efi 1988,bronco,i clean the idle contol unit,new spark plug, clean egr too new wires, it has somethimes irregular idle,.thanks supermotors.
• Los Angeles, CA, USA
• Registered on 7/11/2011
• 32 posts
Posted:7/11/2011 20:42
Best hotel online tips, guides, and infos only at
Forums > Car and Truck Make and Model Specific > Bronco, Bronco II
black smog,water,smell gas.
Thread Statistics:     Users to Post: 2   |   Total Posts: 2   |   Total Views: 1559
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