
Forums > SuperMotors Community Discussion > Events and Rallies
32nd Annual Mustang & All Ford Car Show & Swap Meet at Lucas Oil Raceway in Indianapolis
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• Indianaplis, IN, USA
• Registered on 4/14/2006
• 12 posts
1 Vehicle
Posted:4/9/2011 20:31

Mustang Club of Indianapolis

Is proud to present:

32nd Annual " Race to Indy" Mustang & All Ford Car Show & Swap meet at Lucas Oil Raceway in Indianapolis,In

(Home of the US Nationals)

10267 E. US Highway 136
Indianapolis, Indiana 46234

June 25th & 26th, 2011

This Year’s Featured Mustangs

1971 & 2011

Door Prizes * Vendors* 50/50 Drawings*
Proceeds to:
Benefit Riley Children’s Hospital,
Stop Huntington’s Disease Indiana Chapter,
Peyton Manning’s Children’s Hospital.
Pony Corral
Drag Racing (Saturday & Sunday)
Oval Hot Laps (Sunday Only)
Friday Night Welcoming Bash
Saturday Night Banquet and Poker Run!!
Games for the Entire Family
Class Judging and Concours Judging
Club Participation Award
Longest Distance Driven to show
Best Interior, Best Paint, Best Engine Awards
Trophies on Sunday (Must be present to Win)

This is one event you do not want to miss!!
Forums > SuperMotors Community Discussion > Events and Rallies
32nd Annual Mustang & All Ford Car Show & Swap Meet at Lucas Oil Raceway in Indianapolis
Thread Statistics:     Users to Post: 1   |   Total Posts: 1   |   Total Views: 3857
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