
Forums > SuperMotors Community Discussion > Introductions
New Member
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• Newport News, VA, USA
• Registered on 11/12/2011
• 1 post
Posted:11/12/2011 06:57
I have run across this site a number of times. I guess that was a sign I needed to join. I have been working on cars since I was around 14. I am a confirmed hot rodder, having built a number of cars over the years.

Current project is an EFI and E4OD conversion on my 1986 F-350 crew cab dually.

Old School Hot Rodder
• Mountain West, WY, USA
• Registered on 2/25/2011
• 95 posts
1 Vehicle
Posted:11/12/2011 07:07
Welcome aboard !!

• Eldon, MO, USA
• Registered on 5/28/2012
• 5 posts
2 Vehicles
Posted:5/29/2012 06:17
That sound like a blast! I may have to try that some day, very fun project!
• Indonesia, IN, India
• Registered on 6/3/2012
• 2 posts
Posted:6/3/2012 00:42
I Am Newmbi User

Greating ALL With >> ZonaIde For ALL
edited 6/3/2012 00:45
• Indonesia, IN, India
• Registered on 6/3/2012
• 2 posts
Posted:6/3/2012 00:47
I Chack You Articel Very Nice Good Job My Friend You and Me - ZonaIde
Forums > SuperMotors Community Discussion > Introductions
New Member
Thread Statistics:     Users to Post: 4   |   Total Posts: 5   |   Total Views: 1448
You must be logged in to post in or subscribe to this thread.Pages: 1

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