
Forums > SuperMotors Topics > SuperMotors Support & Suggestions
elctric jam; trip computter, ar windows, entertainment system
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• Emst, XX, Netherlands
• Registered on 1/22/2012
• 1 post
Posted:1/22/2012 14:18
I just imported a Ford Excursion 2005 Limited, V10 6.8 4x4. Super, I have never had such a great car!
Only at the ceiling instruments are some problems;
The rear temperature is working nice. Lamps are also burning in the instruments for the temperature. Map lamps in the ceiling are working, even the button (from the trip computter) mode and E/M has a working light.
But there are 3 electric problems;
• The trip computer does not work, seems it get no power.
• The 2 x button to activate the rear windows, gives a little clicking just close to the window, but went not open ore close.
• The entertainment system does not working, It looks like it gets also no power...
Does anybody has a idea (all the fuse are working)?
Forums > SuperMotors Topics > SuperMotors Support & Suggestions
elctric jam; trip computter, ar windows, entertainment system
Thread Statistics:     Users to Post: 1   |   Total Posts: 1   |   Total Views: 961
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