
Forums > SuperMotors Topics > SuperMotors Support & Suggestions
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• Miami, FL, USA
• Registered on 1/26/2003
• 28 posts
1 Vehicle
Posted:7/9/2012 22:09
Man it\\\\'s been so long since I was on here, more than 8 years easily! Anyway, I\\\\'ve restored my forgotten password and become a paid member. I need my old e-mail because I recently BitLockered all my data to data heaven, never store your BitLocker keys on the encrypted hard drive! I need my old e-mail to receive registration keys for several old software titles. So anyway, a lot changed here, I can\\\\'t find POP3 settings, plz help?

If no more e-mail is available, I'm asking the staff to please open one up for 1 week so I can restore my registration keys.

Mine was
edited 7/9/2012 22:13
dnevins  SuperMotors Owner
Subscriber since 12/29/2009
• San Diego, CA, USA
• Registered on 12/28/2009
• 37 posts
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Posted:7/10/2012 08:56
No worries we will get you your login today, been super busy this week.

Forums > SuperMotors Topics > SuperMotors Support & Suggestions
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