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1993 Crown Vic weight reduction / performance
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• Denver, CO, USA
• Registered on 8/20/2012
• 2 posts
Posted:8/20/2012 22:01
Hey everyone I have bhen reading the forums for 2 years now , finnaly I signed up XD! I have a few questions: dose anybody know what stock headers weigh on the 1993 crown victoria? I found some nice headers that are suppose to fit several makes and models 150$!!! they are nasty looking but only used for a month haha then they layed in a back yard for a long time ....But I have lightend it by 250 lbs so far, somone was nice enough to figure out that for every 100 lbs you take of a stock crown vic , it takes .2 seconsd off the quarter mile! pretty impressive I think I have put 14,000$ in parts in . It has raceing suspension and racing breaks racing gear box control arms pitman arm, tie rod ends cv joints ect every time something breaks I replace it with high performance haha! I think the next to go is power stearing and fuel pump....witch any suggestions for brands for those would be nice! and the high performance Bosch water pump HOLLY CRAP!! when you start this thing it sounds like Niagera falls is under the hood XD! I dont want this to be really high perfomance far as the engine goes , I just want it to perform extreamly well! be extreaml reliable and great MPG I put a massive K&N intake on it witch im happy with all that was needed was a adapter and the gigantic air filter..the rest of the stock componets are very free flowing and the plastic keeps it verry cool no need for the full kit was only 60$ BTW! now my next goal is to get this even lighter I am thinking some bucket seats the front seats weigh about 70 lbs a peace!! lol heavy ass seats the back weighed maybe 15 pounds tottal with i will be putting back hehe...door pannels are removd witch is awsome!!! I coverd the metal with nice black carpet really happy with it! removed all window motors for electric windows hehe I bolted the back windows up lol I only have one motor on passanger side for friends I use my window there an idea of some of what iv not to recomend things that are done all ready. the floor carpet and dampining is torn out with is great! smells better lol and sounds awesome inside! also its verry nice in the winter I almost dont have to use my heater haha! SO!! this is the plan...bucket seats , air conditioner by pass pully witch that unit weighs about 45 lbs! and rite there im looking at 150 lbs lighter, then maybe some rims ? any sugestions there? I saw a lincoln towncar with some stock chrome alloy rims they looked light but yet strong! I do not want some weak fancy rims I allmost want to keep these good solid steel rims but I figure I can comprimise they weigh about 55 lbs a peace! any Ideas there Im thinking lincoln junk yard rims? then of course my main question what dose stock headers and exhuast weigh? thats as far as I want to go is headers intake maybe MSD ignition just open it up and and have it runing verry nice and clean! also I found fenders that are much much lighter! but I dont want some junk that dents easy I did hear the newer steel they make these out of is extreamly strong! heres another thing my rear end sits about ...5 - 6 inches higher then the front so the seats and air conditioner gotta go I do want to keep the front end atleast heavy enough so it dosent lift up after you hit around 160 mph inless there is way to hold the front down?? my rear is verry verry stiff witch helps big time keeping the front in controll....but any sugestions or experiance would be apreciated! thought about moving the battery to the back to even out the weight distribution not sure its neccesary? if i throw out the ac and also all that cable has gotta weigh alot as well...well thanks and keep in mind I really just want to keep my V8 but get 35 mpg if possable haha I want this to be fast! reliable and good mpg no more then that! becuase really it is going to just be a doner car edventually for a Factory 5 65 fast back! witch i want to use just a plain new 4.6 with a wicked intake and heaxders so its verry verry reliable with the ford ingine witch is absoloutley amazing! but yet slightly high perfomance just a tad just opend up you no fixing high perfomance crap all the time should be 310 hp and 2000 lbs so about 15 hp per pound expecting 0-60 in 2.8 seconds lol my goal and 35 mpg lmao! I have a 4 speed rite now, I did find a 5 speed sports sure would help alot!! with mpg its automatic for now not sure if i well put a clutch in ?? I cant stand automatic but ehhh its what i got maybe change that 5 , 10 years from now when its turnned in to the factory five fast back lol...welp there you go lol any help to get better mpg would be awesome thats the main goal! I just did coil packs and alternator today got a ticket by the way LMAO woops pilled out in first slid sideways lol then as it was getting ready to hit second I could tell it was going to do it again so i I just turned my blinker on to go to the left lane since nobody was there kept it floored lmao after leting off and straiting it out then it pilled out in second leaving first at about 35 shot up to 55 in the blink of an eye lol I used the power wheel to my advantage to change lanes haha but wow!! loving the new coils! i only did one side too lol then it started to rain so one side of the enggine runs great :p cant wait fopr tomaroow ..luckyly the cop gave me a no insurance ticket and let me go lol I never went past the speed limit....thank god for that broken glove box!! works every time cant get it open so they just go...ok well im going to just give you a no insurance ticket and thats it LMAO oh man that glove box has saved my ass about 5 times now ...\\"wink wink\\"
• Denver, CO, USA
• Registered on 8/20/2012
• 2 posts
Posted:8/20/2012 22:02
ROFL I typed a book I apollagize..idk were the paragraph button is never have haha! atleast its detailed
• twin peaks, CA, USA
• Registered on 8/23/2012
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Posted:8/23/2012 04:19
Hi, there is a lot of stuff right there that I was wanting to know. I have a 99', I read a bit about the differences in generations, but don't know if any info i would have would worth much. I have a P 71. I got a really good deal on it. its like any money i put into it, I'm gonna get back, when i decide, or if i decide to sell it. not a thought of that right now though. finally started getting some stuff or it. it has 117,000 m. btw. I got a k&n intake, and really good everything when it comes to emergency and maintenance. like all tools, (basic) , nice aluminum floor jack, first aid kit, I noticed its such a a tough car, all of these things seemed right for it, this is a daily driver. Also ya know, nice quality gas can, extra water on hand. all of this fits easily in the huge trunk. also, fire extinguisher mounted on the passenger floorboard, on the left. just now buying suspension, and all the little things. Like new headlamps, all bulbs, major tune up almost done. i bought Monroe/Expert Series 550051 for the back. i i was looking at a lot of possibilities, and a really good deal came up for two of those. every mechanic i asked consulted their computer and said to me it needs air ride shocks. i find this not true, but am wondering do i need a conversion kit? what do u think of these shocks? this car i am wanting just to be able to handle any city or mountain street mayhem . i need to gt a good mates for the fronts. I dont care about switching brands at alll, do u know some awesome ones?
• twin peaks, CA, USA
• Registered on 8/23/2012
• 2 posts
Posted:8/23/2012 04:22
sorry no info for u.. This is my first one.. I really love it.
Forums > SuperMotors Topics > SuperMotors Support & Suggestions
1993 Crown Vic weight reduction / performance
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