
Forums > SuperMotors Community Discussion > Introductions
Newbie...2003 Crown Victoria...Needs advice
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• Terre Haute, IN, USA
• Registered on 11/13/2012
• 1 post
Posted:11/13/2012 17:55
Hello all! I'm new to Super Motors, and I'm sorry to say I'm pretty automotive illiterate. I don't know much about car parts and engines, but I'm trying to learn. I have my eyes set on a 2003 Ford Crown Victoria Police Interceptor, only a few more weeks until I actually buy it. I wanted to introduce myself, and ask what my options are for performance upgrades. I downloaded the owner's manual for this car, and I'm planning to get the repair manual as well, to educate myself on how it works, and how to fix any problems. Any links to websites, or links to threads on this forum, would be appreciated. I want to see what kind of engine, transmission, exhaust, turbocharger, and cold air intake options there are for the 03 crown vic. I've looked online at the different parts available, but I don't know what difference they make, if they're entirely custom jobs, or if I'm going overboard trying to build my dream car. I'm really kicking myself for not being interested in automechanics at an earlier age. But I'm interested now, trying to learn. Please let me know my options, and I'll study further about them.
• Ohio, OH, USA
• Registered on 10/24/2012
• 7 posts
Posted:2/25/2013 08:31
Hello all! I'm new to Super Motors, and I'm sorry to say I'm pretty automotive illiterate. I don't know much about car parts and engines, but I'm trying to learn. I have my eyes set on a 2003 Ford Crown Victoria Police Interceptor, only a few more weeks until I actually buy it. I wanted to introduce myself, and ask what my options are for performance upgrades. I downloaded the owner's manual for this car, and I'm planning to get the repair manual as well, to educate myself on how it works, and how to fix any problems. Any links to websites, or links to threads on this forum, would be appreciated. I want to see what kind of engine, transmission, exhaust, car accessories turbocharger, and cold air intake options there are for the 03 crown vic. I've looked online at the different parts available, but I don't know what difference they make, if they're entirely custom jobs, or if I'm going overboard trying to build my dream car. I'm really kicking myself for not being interested in automechanics at an earlier age. But I'm interested now, trying to learn. Please let me know my options, and I'll study further about them.

You need good mechanic help. It is hard to build to car so get known to all things which you require
edited 2/26/2013 00:07
Forums > SuperMotors Community Discussion > Introductions
Newbie...2003 Crown Victoria...Needs advice
Thread Statistics:     Users to Post: 2   |   Total Posts: 2   |   Total Views: 686
You must be logged in to post in or subscribe to this thread.Pages: 1

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