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1967 Fairlane. Searching for history
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• Brisbane, XX, Australia
• Registered on 2/26/2013
• 1 post
Posted:2/26/2013 19:33
Hello to everyone. 2 years ago I purchased a black 1967 Fairlane R Code clone from Mississippi. The car had been drag raced in the lower eastern states up to 1996. The information I have is the car had been modifyed soon after it was purchased in 1967 raced from the late 60's thru till retirement in 1996. I've have a dyno sheet dated 1990 stating Jerry Frady as the owner. The next owner was Henry Gunter from Columbus who up speced the engine during his ownership. He sold the car to Brad Outlaw of Mississippi in 2006. Any information would be greatly appreciated. RJ
Forums > SuperMotors Community Discussion > Introductions
1967 Fairlane. Searching for history
Thread Statistics:     Users to Post: 1   |   Total Posts: 1   |   Total Views: 683
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