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MCA "Race to Indy" Mustang Nationals @ Lucas Oil Raceway
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• Indianaplis, IN, USA
• Registered on 4/14/2006
• 12 posts
1 Vehicle
Posted:4/21/2013 11:54
Mustang Club of Indianapolis presents its 34th Annual Car Show on August 9th thru 11th 2013.
Located at Lucas Oil Raceway in Clermont,IN- 10267 East US Highway 136

Events includes Welcome Bash on Friday night at Dallara Indy Car Factory, a Tour at the facilities, Cruise-in on Main Street in Speedway very close to Indianapolis Motor Speedway, Pony Run from the Host Hotel to this event.

Registration opens on Friday morning but must be pre-registered to be judged by MCA. Registration will continue all day on Friday until 5:00pm.

Saturday- Registration opens back up at 7:00am thru 11:00am and judging begins at 11:00am. All cars must be in place by 11:00am.

Saturday Night- Dinner Banquet at Crowne Plaza in Indianapolis

Sunday- Oval Hot Laps will take place on Sunday morning around 9:00am. The track is where the Camping World Trucks and Nationwide Cars once ran on.

Vendors, 50/50 Raffles and much much more.

for more info. please go to
Forums > SuperMotors Community Discussion > Events and Rallies
MCA "Race to Indy" Mustang Nationals @ Lucas Oil Raceway
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