
Forums > SuperMotors Community Discussion > Introductions
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• Moscow, XX, Russia
• Registered on 7/17/2013
• 3 posts
1 Vehicle
Posted:7/17/2013 13:20
Hi to everyone. My name is Denis, I'm from the capital of the Russian Federation the city of Moscow. I am 28 years old and I have Ford crown Victoria 1992. I beg for broken language, because I do not know foreign languages and communication use a translator on the Internet.

In Russia, a lot of people who like American cars. Especially appreciated cars 1970-1985's. To drive from the U.S. car is very expensive, because we have a very high customs duties on the old car. We're going on the weekends in the center of the city, to discuss made and plans for the future, and just look at the beautiful cars. We have our own forum that is similar to yours, have a look if you have time: Some two, three American machines. In the stores of spare parts are only consumables: filter pads, light bulbs. Have to order spare parts on ebay.
edited 7/17/2013 14:58
• Moscow, XX, Russia
• Registered on 7/17/2013
• 3 posts
1 Vehicle
Posted:7/17/2013 14:38
edited 7/17/2013 14:43
Forums > SuperMotors Community Discussion > Introductions
Thread Statistics:     Users to Post: 1   |   Total Posts: 2   |   Total Views: 1177
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