
Forums > SuperMotors Community Discussion > Introductions
Dutch Grand Marquis (1996)
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• rotterdam, XX, Netherlands
• Registered on 8/7/2013
• 1 post
Posted:9/14/2013 04:00
hello people.

my name is sebastiaan seip and coming from holland.
i'm driving an beatiful 1996 Mercury Grand Marquis, so much better then the common european cars.
power when youre needing it.
while my friends driving cars like honda, Toyota and Dacia. i;m Always having cars from the american market.

ok, not realy ONLY from the USA, but most of them.

my first car, an 1990 ford escort 1.4i, my golf 1.6, and my volvo's are came from europe.
the other cars ive had came from the USA or Canada.

my first real car became the 1994 ford thunderbird 4.6 V8, my second car an 1992 Chrysler Le-Baron GTC coupe with 3.0 V6 manual, then my 1988 Jeep Cherokee XJ with the best engine ive ever had the 4.0 inline six AMC (4x4), and now after my ''adventure'' in switserland having the lovely Grand Marquis.

some work need to be done but it's like driving in first class over the roads.

just, i'm driving american brand, but hate not to live in the usa.
if youre Pro american in europe, especially in holland. youre not welcome.
they dont like my idea of living, the car i'm driving. and much more.
some neighbours scratched my car with car keys or so. so ive did an repaint. they stabed like 3 times now my wheel with an knife. and painted on the windshield that my car polutes the environment
what are they expecting? that i'm driving in an fugly prius?

enough of this....
time for pictures

the exterior

the interior

the car's radio.
pre owner decided to cut into the Original wires of the radio.... so after i cant use the stock anymore by missing the wires, made self an setup...looks clean

and the clean interior
• bloomington, IN, USA
• Registered on 9/25/2013
• 2 posts
Posted:10/2/2013 10:22
hello- nice car. i just joined and this is my first post.
i drive a 1999 crown victoria.
it is pretty similar for the most part except the dash is analog instrumentation and the seats are cloth and not leather.
yeah, one thing noticeable is how nice they handle bumpy roads. i have a friend who drove a honda civic for about 8 years. it was a decent car i suppose but it did NOT soften the bumps and potholes in the road one bit.
one thing about where i live in the u.s. (bloomington indiana) is that winters are unpredictable and can be mild or very cold and summers can be somewhat mild or hot and humid. either way, the climate control system works great and keeps me comfortable
my crown vic has a very nice ride to it and yes, the 4.6 v8 can give a nice boost of power when needed and is well known as a reliable engine and can go for many hundreds of thousands of miles when properly maintained..
sorry to hear you have some serious issues with A-hole neighbors vandalizing the car- you might want to talk to the police about that.
thanks for showing the pictures and welcome aboard!
edited 10/2/2013 10:26
Forums > SuperMotors Community Discussion > Introductions
Dutch Grand Marquis (1996)
Thread Statistics:     Users to Post: 2   |   Total Posts: 2   |   Total Views: 1241
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