
Forums > SuperMotors Community Discussion > Introductions
94 TownCar Cartier
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• Dallas, TX, USA
• Registered on 11/5/2013
• 5 posts
Posted:11/5/2013 12:47
First off greetings to everyone on here and glad to be on here. I did register at CVN.Net but its been about a week and still no approval???

Now for my ride. I have a 94 Lincoln Towncar Cartier edition. I know its not the best platform to strt under performance but surely there is some hope out there for minor mods.

I have done a complete tune with wires,plugs,filters and fuel pump and filter replaced. Which leaves me with performance add ons if theres any. All i have is k/n replacment filter. Im not looking for huge gains as I know theres not a variety of parts but what is there to bring.some more power to the wheels?
• bloomington, IN, USA
• Registered on 9/25/2013
• 2 posts
Posted:11/7/2013 21:46
good luck with finding what you are looking for. i don't know jack about performance mods.
i got a 99 crown vic and besides putting on a kn filter, i know i could get dual exhaust and get more hp and torque if i did it (if i could afford the upgrades)
maybe your car doesn't have dual exhaust either and could benefit from that.
besides really expensive and ambitious things like putting in a super or turbocharger, i don't know if there are any other stuff like chips to modify the performance somewhat on an older model like the 94's.
Forums > SuperMotors Community Discussion > Introductions
94 TownCar Cartier
Thread Statistics:     Users to Post: 2   |   Total Posts: 2   |   Total Views: 919
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