
Forums > SuperMotors Community Discussion > Introductions
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• Cincinnati, OH, USA
• Registered on 12/29/2013
• 1 post
Posted:12/29/2013 19:47
Hello everyone,
I'm Josh and I am new to the forums. I just bought my first Crown Victoria a couple days ago, it is a 2005 Police interceptor. I have a few questions about it and I am hoping to learn a few things through here as well.
• Las Vegas, NV, USA
• Registered on 3/23/2014
• 1 post
Posted:3/23/2014 01:13
hello to everyone, Just bought a 2K MGM w/15k on the clock. Im excited to own an endangered panther, this is my first v8 as well. Hopefully you guys will help me out with my absurd questions.
Forums > SuperMotors Community Discussion > Introductions
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