
Forums > SuperMotors Community Discussion > Introductions
P71 to marauder clone 2007--lots done so far!!!
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• I.E., CA, USA
• Registered on 9/11/2013
• 6 posts
1 Vehicle
Posted:2/21/2014 17:01
love this ride and love the beer it took to get it here so far!!!
bought a p71 with 95K and all work records-new paint and interior.
What a ride--very tight with no issues so far--i will post all pics and descriptions of what i have learned so far with my vic...
Forums > SuperMotors Community Discussion > Introductions
P71 to marauder clone 2007--lots done so far!!!
Thread Statistics:     Users to Post: 1   |   Total Posts: 1   |   Total Views: 449
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