168397845109_0_ALB.jpg 522 hits | 67.22 KB | Posted: 7/12/07 right after I got her new shoes and feet...kind of a celebration of her, for her journey to south carolina. (Posted in: my baby)
100_0006.jpg 510 hits | 86.4 KB | Posted: 7/13/07 from the side in full daylight... (Posted in: my baby)
interior1.jpg 501 hits | 72.4 KB | Posted: 7/13/07 my interior...that I did, by myself...still working on it tho... (Posted in: my baby)
100_0025.jpg 515 hits | 56.9 KB | Posted: 7/15/07 where I fixed after what I was told the previous owner backed into a semi trailer...dumbass... (Posted in: my baby)