P9260007.JPG 685 hits | 104.64 KB | Posted: 2/13/05 Here is the new GL-T completed engine bay. This was done on day two. If I had an 89 parts car instead of a 91, I would have been done in two days. (Posted in: Pics of GL-T conversion)
Wrench 5.JPG 685 hits | 118.16 KB | Posted: 3/18/05 Pics of Probes at U-Wrench-It
1996 all black Probe SE (Posted in: Wrecks)
porbskishots.jpg 687 hits | 104.68 KB | Posted: 5/6/05 My Probe sitting in my garage for the first two months collecting dust. Glad to say, that problem has been fixed. It's now on the road. Whoo hoo! (05/05/05) (Posted in: Probski)