CIMG0077.JPG 547 hits | 92.8 KB | Posted: 4/28/07 On the grid - Its Race time! (Posted in: March - 07)
CIMG0068.JPG 570 hits | 81.93 KB | Posted: 4/28/07 Even I need to rest a bit before an event.
Ah, the warm sun of the desert. (Posted in: March - 07)
CIMG0088.JPG 487 hits | 72.04 KB | Posted: 4/28/07 The 944 gets me on the top end high speed straights but I catch back up in the braking zones and the corners. The Porterfield brakes I'm using are incredible. (Posted in: March - 07)
042207_038.jpg 496 hits | 60.15 KB | Posted: 6/5/07 One of our dearest members had an incident just weeks prior to the Car show. (Posted in: April - 07)
042207_035.jpg 504 hits | 57.81 KB | Posted: 6/5/07 Probers stand tall and proud. The most dedicated family I know. Congrats to them and their efforts to keep the love for Ford Probes alive. (Posted in: April - 07)
042207_032.jpg 457 hits | 58.17 KB | Posted: 6/5/07 Probe Engines can really shine. Here is Damons 93 PGT sporting red crinkle coated valve covers. (Posted in: April - 07)
042207_047.jpg 480 hits | 87.34 KB | Posted: 6/5/07 The Booth - '07 (Posted in: April - 07)
042207_048.jpg 575 hits | 82.37 KB | Posted: 6/5/07 We saw a lot of people this year. It was really nice to chat with people interrested about the cars and interrested in the products. (Posted in: April - 07)
042207_002.jpg 468 hits | 62.4 KB | Posted: 6/5/07 Now for some dream cars. (Posted in: April - 07)