DSCF0006.JPG1651 hits | 71.94 KB | Posted: 7/7/04Degreasing the block
DSCF0007.JPG1447 hits | 66.01 KB | Posted: 7/7/04
DSCF0008.JPG1403 hits | 62.21 KB | Posted: 7/7/04
DSCF0009.JPG1440 hits | 66.36 KB | Posted: 7/7/04Removing excess sludge and buildup.
DSCF0010.JPG1390 hits | 79.2 KB | Posted: 7/7/04Close-up of engine mount and casting.
DSCF0011.JPG1474 hits | 77.34 KB | Posted: 7/7/04Close-up of engine mount and freeze plugs.
DSCF0012.JPG1561 hits | 62.65 KB | Posted: 7/7/04Degreasing complete.
DSCF0013.JPG1380 hits | 53.16 KB | Posted: 7/7/04The grinding process.
DSCF0014.JPG1432 hits | 58.17 KB | Posted: 7/7/04Stripping paint from the freeze plugs.
DSCF0015.JPG1428 hits | 56.38 KB | Posted: 7/7/04
DSCF0017.JPG1470 hits | 66.72 KB | Posted: 7/7/04
DSCF0019.JPG1964 hits | 63 KB | Posted: 7/7/04C6ME-A casting for the 390
DSCF0020.JPG1699 hits | 49.16 KB | Posted: 7/7/04Pulling out the big dog to finish up the larger areas of paint stripping.
DSCF0022.JPG1504 hits | 49.08 KB | Posted: 7/7/04Our friend, the sand blaster.
DSCF0023.JPG1594 hits | 53.85 KB | Posted: 7/7/04Before sandblasting.
DSCF0024.JPG1781 hits | 53.91 KB | Posted: 7/7/04After sandblasting.
DSCF0025.JPG1424 hits | 56.37 KB | Posted: 7/7/04Various items drying after being painted.
DSCF0026.JPG1465 hits | 58.69 KB | Posted: 7/7/04Painted pulley.
DSCF0027.JPG1464 hits | 62.87 KB | Posted: 7/7/04The block is ready to be painted blue!
DSCF0028.JPG1442 hits | 65.23 KB | Posted: 7/7/04
DSCF0029.JPG1392 hits | 62.49 KB | Posted: 7/7/04
DSCF0031.JPG1452 hits | 48.83 KB | Posted: 7/7/04Sandblasting the fan prior to painting it.
DSCF0035.JPG1424 hits | 46.74 KB | Posted: 7/7/04Looks like new!
DSCF0032.JPG1326 hits | 65.22 KB | Posted: 7/7/04Painting the block.
DSCF0033.JPG1420 hits | 53.82 KB | Posted: 7/7/04
DSCF0041.JPG1506 hits | 40.42 KB | Posted: 7/7/04
DSCF0058.JPG1464 hits | 46.46 KB | Posted: 7/7/04Painting the fan.
DSCF0059.JPG1576 hits | 60.38 KB | Posted: 7/7/04Painting is finished for the evening.