IM000349.JPG 482 hits | 71.46 KB | Posted: 1/7/06 ball and socket style mount, which by the way is a PAIN IN THE ASS to install...
IM000350.JPG 545 hits | 68.25 KB | Posted: 1/7/06 stock shifter vs subydude shifter, HUGE difference in throw, fairly large difference in height as we...
IM000352.JPG 576 hits | 78.54 KB | Posted: 1/7/06 subydude shifter installed, not the same angle as the other, but you get the picture, its shorter ...
IM000356.JPG 614 hits | 78.67 KB | Posted: 1/7/06 you can see the subydude logo in this shot, and also how badly the shifter got scratched while tryin...