DSC0142.jpg 433 hits | 53.35 KB | Posted: 11/2/05 Those are my new rear tires with the dual 3 1/4 bologna cut tips
Front.jpg 432 hits | 48.23 KB | Posted: 11/2/05 Those are my new set of tires I think they look pretty good
4.jpg 473 hits | 56.6 KB | Posted: 11/2/05 I had repainted the Ford Bronco decal
7.jpg 463 hits | 55.75 KB | Posted: 11/2/05 That was my first sub I had in the beast
761112_19_full.jpg 494 hits | 39.71 KB | Posted: 11/2/05 My tired set of subs
11.jpg 711 hits | 66.69 KB | Posted: 11/2/05 Thats the right side of the beast before I got into the inccodent
003_3.JPG 519 hits | 57.69 KB | Posted: 11/2/05 Thats why I removed the billet grille I didnt think it went together that well
DSC0147.jpg 639 hits | 59.99 KB | Posted: 11/2/05 I had a billet grille insert origanlly but it did'nt look good chrome on chrome
DSC0150.jpg 454 hits | 75.08 KB | Posted: 11/2/05 Some of the modifications on the engine
DSC0154.jpg 477 hits | 61.54 KB | Posted: 11/2/05 This side has been hit by many thing you will see as we go along
DSC0155.jpg 504 hits | 47.62 KB | Posted: 11/2/05 This is what happens when you land you right-side into a ditch and try to get it out (Not relizing t...
DSC0156.jpg 454 hits | 56.78 KB | Posted: 11/2/05 ANd this is what happens when you don't take down the basket-ball net during a hurricane
DSC0146.jpg 621 hits | 63.97 KB | Posted: 11/2/05 I just think this was a bad-ass picture so yeah
009_9.JPG 545 hits | 67.71 KB | Posted: 11/2/05 And yes I painted my EFI
100_0272.JPG 406 hits | 43 KB | Posted: 8/9/06 Not so good taken in the dark