MVC-006S.JPG297 hits | 35.42 KB | Posted: 8/5/06Pittsburgh pic #1
MVC-007S.JPG237 hits | 46.01 KB | Posted: 8/5/06closer pic of jason's expedition, my gen2, edIII's gen3 and mastertote's gen1..
MVC-008S.JPG245 hits | 40.06 KB | Posted: 8/5/06close up of ford ses's, daveromanjr's gen4s and porjectDOHC's gen3, and a cavalier...
MVC-009S.JPG284 hits | 39.71 KB | Posted: 8/5/06the gen1-3s ready for their photo shoot...
MVC-010S.JPG264 hits | 35.92 KB | Posted: 8/5/06then gen4s ready for the photo shoot...
MVC-011S.JPG278 hits | 26.11 KB | Posted: 8/5/06photo shoot at the church....
MVC-015S.JPG280 hits | 31.88 KB | Posted: 8/5/06different angle of the cars...
MVC-016S.JPG274 hits | 46.68 KB | Posted: 8/5/06closeup of mastertote's gen1, my gen2 and ed's gen3
MVC-017S.JPG555 hits | 30.03 KB | Posted: 8/5/06closeup of project DOHC's gen3, then the gen4's for Daveromanjr, ford ses, and midnight00se
MVC-019S.JPG288 hits | 20.37 KB | Posted: 8/5/06night shot #1 of all the cars, mufflerman showed up later with his gen2 sable...
MVC-020S.JPG269 hits | 20.72 KB | Posted: 8/5/06another angle of all the cars in the twilight...
MVC-021S.JPG245 hits | 18.98 KB | Posted: 8/5/06the other side of all the cars at night...