Pic 006.jpg550 hits | 58.22 KB | Posted: 3/4/06pic of Tobi chewing on toy March '06
Pic 008.jpg458 hits | 40.02 KB | Posted: 3/4/06pic of Tobi with Colin March '06
Pic 005.jpg454 hits | 43.64 KB | Posted: 3/4/06closer pic of Tobi with colin March '06
Pic 004.jpg480 hits | 21.77 KB | Posted: 3/4/06pic of Tobi's face March '06
Tobi 1.jpg353 hits | 76.83 KB | Posted: 5/6/06pic of Tobi outside facing away May '06
Tobi 2.jpg326 hits | 70.5 KB | Posted: 5/6/06pic of Tobi outside facing forward May '06
Tobi 3.jpg356 hits | 67.99 KB | Posted: 5/6/06closeup of Tobi outside May '06
TobiTux1.JPG370 hits | 48.31 KB | Posted: 8/14/06Tobi in a Tux Vest May '06
TobiTux2.jpg328 hits | 48.32 KB | Posted: 8/14/06Tobi in a full Tuxedo May '06
SuperTobi.jpg376 hits | 48.77 KB | Posted: 8/15/06Tobi as SuperDog May '06
Tobishirt.jpg329 hits | 47.64 KB | Posted: 8/15/06pic of Tobi as BatDog May '06
TobiSuit.jpg308 hits | 48.93 KB | Posted: 8/15/06pic of tobi in a suit May '06
Tobinator.jpg339 hits | 48.31 KB | Posted: 8/15/06pic of Tobi as the Terminator May '06
TobiTux3.jpg359 hits | 48.24 KB | Posted: 8/15/06pic of Tobi in Tuxedo, Top hat and monacle May '06
Tobi.jpg338 hits | 56.7 KB | Posted: 1/2/07pic of Tobi, lease deleted May '06
Tobi 001.jpg342 hits | 43.47 KB | Posted: 1/24/07closeup of Tobi with Colin Jan. '07
Tobi 002.jpg288 hits | 58.68 KB | Posted: 1/24/07overhead pic of Tobi Jan. '07
Tobi 003.jpg301 hits | 61.97 KB | Posted: 1/27/07pic of Tobi with Mom Jan. '07
Tobi 004.jpg302 hits | 61.05 KB | Posted: 1/27/07pic of Tobi with Mom 2 Jan. '07
Tobi 005.jpg320 hits | 61.55 KB | Posted: 1/27/07pic of Tobi with Mom closeup of Tobi Jan. '07
Tobi 006.jpg329 hits | 65.09 KB | Posted: 1/27/07Tobi with Colin in red sweater Jan. '07
tobi 001.jpg318 hits | 59.56 KB | Posted: 2/21/07Tobi in blue sweater Jan. '07
tobi 002.jpg300 hits | 65.16 KB | Posted: 2/21/07Tobi looking straight forward on couch Jan. '07
tobi 005.jpg313 hits | 68.46 KB | Posted: 2/21/07pic of Tobi in blue sweater lickin gup ravioli sauce Jan. '07
tobi 006.jpg308 hits | 67.77 KB | Posted: 2/21/07Tobi in blue sweater on couch pillow Jan. '07
tobi 007.jpg317 hits | 67.6 KB | Posted: 2/21/07Tobi in red sweater on couch pillow Jan. '07
tobi 008.jpg307 hits | 62.97 KB | Posted: 2/21/07Tobi in red sweater on couch pillow Jan. '07
tobi 009.jpg344 hits | 60.04 KB | Posted: 2/21/07Tobi on couch pillow Jan. '07
EvilTobi.JPG328 hits | 46.84 KB | Posted: 3/1/07
Tobi2.jpg320 hits | 44.71 KB | Posted: 3/14/07
Img_0013.jpg357 hits | 60.75 KB | Posted: 5/29/07
Img_0014.jpg370 hits | 53.29 KB | Posted: 5/29/07
Mvi_0014.avi461 hits | 9.12 MB | Posted: 5/30/07Tobi running upstairs/downstairs..he sure is fast! 5-30-07
Mvi_0002.avi404 hits | 13.65 MB | Posted: 5/30/075-30-07
tobi1.jpg322 hits | 50.96 KB | Posted: 6/7/07
TobiPup01.jpg300 hits | 41.49 KB | Posted: 6/17/07Tobi as a puppy, the day we got him.
TobiPup02.jpg319 hits | 39.46 KB | Posted: 6/17/07Tobi as a puppy, the day we got him.
TobiPup03.jpg284 hits | 38.06 KB | Posted: 6/17/07Tobi as a puppy, the day we got him.
TobiPup04.jpg289 hits | 40.83 KB | Posted: 6/17/07Tobi as a puppy, the day we got him.
TobiPup05.jpg320 hits | 35.7 KB | Posted: 6/17/07Tobi as a puppy, the day we got him.
Img_0001.jpg290 hits | 66.9 KB | Posted: 7/7/077-7-07
Img_0001.jpg280 hits | 53.45 KB | Posted: 8/1/077-31-07
Img_0001.jpg324 hits | 78.07 KB | Posted: 8/5/078-4-07
Mvi_0001.avi372 hits | 4.63 MB | Posted: 9/20/079-20-07
Mvi_0004.avi368 hits | 7.7 MB | Posted: 9/20/079-20-07
Mvi_0005.avi471 hits | 6.18 MB | Posted: 9/20/079-20-07
Img_0001.jpg363 hits | 51.6 KB | Posted: 9/23/079-21-07
Img_0002.jpg341 hits | 50.37 KB | Posted: 9/23/079-21-07
Img_0001.jpg323 hits | 57.7 KB | Posted: 9/23/079-23-07
Img_0001.jpg330 hits | 51.82 KB | Posted: 9/26/07
Img_0003.jpg367 hits | 38.83 KB | Posted: 9/26/07
Img_0004.jpg326 hits | 38.88 KB | Posted: 9/26/07
Img_0005.jpg307 hits | 35.72 KB | Posted: 9/26/07
tobi1.jpg287 hits | 40.19 KB | Posted: 9/28/07
Img_0001.jpg310 hits | 80.6 KB | Posted: 10/5/0710-5-07
Img_0002.jpg312 hits | 83.85 KB | Posted: 10/10/0710-10-07
Img_0002.jpg283 hits | 82.24 KB | Posted: 10/13/0710-13-07
Img_0001.jpg313 hits | 69.58 KB | Posted: 10/23/0710-21-07
Img_0002.jpg288 hits | 84.48 KB | Posted: 10/23/0710-21-07
Img_0003.jpg301 hits | 82.28 KB | Posted: 10/23/0710-21-07
Img_0001.jpg388 hits | 84.32 KB | Posted: 10/26/0710-25-07
Img_0002.jpg336 hits | 87.29 KB | Posted: 10/26/0710-25-07
Img_0004.jpg332 hits | 71.02 KB | Posted: 11/7/0711-6-07
Img_0006.jpg364 hits | 65.39 KB | Posted: 11/7/0711-6-07
Img_0001.jpg305 hits | 71.66 KB | Posted: 11/23/0711-22-07
Img_0001.jpg313 hits | 81.76 KB | Posted: 12/13/0712-12-07
Img_0002.jpg322 hits | 61.35 KB | Posted: 12/13/0712-12-07
AngryTobi2.avi432 hits | 8.58 MB | Posted: 12/22/07Tobi with Steak Bone12-21-07
AngryTobi1.avi472 hits | 18.34 MB | Posted: 12/22/07Tobi with Steak Bone 12-21-07
Img_0001.jpg348 hits | 61.7 KB | Posted: 1/7/081-5-08
Img_0002.jpg310 hits | 71.36 KB | Posted: 1/17/081-17-08
Img_0004.jpg306 hits | 70.87 KB | Posted: 1/20/081-20-08
Img_0003.jpg358 hits | 66.88 KB | Posted: 2/2/081-29-08
Img_0002.jpg366 hits | 43.59 KB | Posted: 4/4/084-4-08
IMG_0001.JPG320 hits | 92.35 KB | Posted: 5/29/085-29-08
MVI_0025.AVI329 hits | 14.83 MB | Posted: 6/13/08Tobi after bath
MVI_0024.AVI300 hits | 25.3 MB | Posted: 6/15/086-13-08Tobi after bath
IMG_0001.JPG349 hits | 41.91 KB | Posted: 8/3/087-29-08
IMG_0010.JPG335 hits | 66.49 KB | Posted: 8/23/088-22-08 morning
IMG_0001.JPG325 hits | 57.12 KB | Posted: 9/1/088-24-08
IMG_0002.JPG298 hits | 50.09 KB | Posted: 9/1/088-24-08
MVI_0001.AVI441 hits | 10.29 MB | Posted: 9/1/08Tobi running outside. 9-1-08
MVI_0003.AVI464 hits | 4.18 MB | Posted: 9/1/089-1-08
Tobi1.jpg346 hits | 70.13 KB | Posted: 9/2/089-1-08
IMG_0009.JPG363 hits | 64.23 KB | Posted: 9/6/089-6-08
IMG_0010.JPG335 hits | 61.08 KB | Posted: 9/6/089-6-08
IMG_0014.JPG327 hits | 60.96 KB | Posted: 9/7/089-7-08
IMG_0015.JPG304 hits | 54.43 KB | Posted: 9/7/089-7-08
IMG_0016.JPG359 hits | 51.3 KB | Posted: 9/7/089-7-08
IMG_0017.JPG344 hits | 44.71 KB | Posted: 9/7/089-7-08
IMG_0018.JPG330 hits | 43.94 KB | Posted: 9/7/089-7-08
IMG_0009.JPG290 hits | 69 KB | Posted: 9/15/089-13-08
IMG_0011.JPG328 hits | 76.5 KB | Posted: 9/15/089-13-08sleepy Tobi
IMG_0012.JPG322 hits | 83.42 KB | Posted: 9/15/089-15-08mornin stretch
IMG_0001.JPG327 hits | 48.02 KB | Posted: 9/19/08Tobi begging 9-18-08
IMG_0002.JPG347 hits | 63.97 KB | Posted: 9/19/08
IMG_0003.JPG322 hits | 47.08 KB | Posted: 9/19/08
IMG_0004.JPG297 hits | 46.82 KB | Posted: 9/19/08
IMG_0028.JPG320 hits | 41.55 KB | Posted: 9/26/089-25-08
IMG_0029.JPG307 hits | 48.59 KB | Posted: 9/26/089-25-08
IMG_0071.JPG317 hits | 70.18 KB | Posted: 10/5/0810-5-08
IMG_0108.JPG354 hits | 68.86 KB | Posted: 11/2/0811-2-08
IMG_0135.JPG315 hits | 69.84 KB | Posted: 11/30/0811-28-08
IMG_0163.JPG325 hits | 74.99 KB | Posted: 12/7/0812-7-08
IMG_0188.JPG279 hits | 44.15 KB | Posted: 1/17/091-9-09
IMG_0189.JPG319 hits | 45.69 KB | Posted: 1/17/091-9-09
IMG_0191.JPG326 hits | 44.65 KB | Posted: 1/17/091-9-09
IMG_0200.JPG294 hits | 58.38 KB | Posted: 1/20/091-20-09
IMG_0201.JPG325 hits | 74.14 KB | Posted: 1/20/09
IMG_0203.JPG324 hits | 69.66 KB | Posted: 1/20/09
IMG_0205.JPG336 hits | 71.66 KB | Posted: 1/20/09
IMG_0207.JPG300 hits | 63.66 KB | Posted: 1/20/09
IMG_0208.JPG311 hits | 73.74 KB | Posted: 1/31/091-31-09
IMG_0218.JPG322 hits | 73.6 KB | Posted: 1/31/091-31-09
IMG_0217.JPG300 hits | 70.66 KB | Posted: 1/31/091-31-09
IMG_0226.JPG293 hits | 87.34 KB | Posted: 2/14/092-14-09
IMG_0228.JPG335 hits | 82.21 KB | Posted: 2/17/09Tobi with new Bling Bling
IMG_0280.JPG299 hits | 63.62 KB | Posted: 4/19/09
IMG_0410.JPG290 hits | 58.21 KB | Posted: 6/8/096-8-09
IMG_0410.JPG281 hits | 58.21 KB | Posted: 6/8/09
IMG_0409.JPG299 hits | 58.63 KB | Posted: 6/8/09
IMG_0456.JPG299 hits | 63.84 KB | Posted: 7/11/09Tobi Tranquilized, back from Vet.7-11-09
IMG_0457.JPG279 hits | 63.43 KB | Posted: 7/11/097-11-09
IMG_0458.JPG305 hits | 62.08 KB | Posted: 7/11/09Mean Tobi 7-11-09
IMG_0493.JPG293 hits | 67.68 KB | Posted: 8/12/098/8/09
IMG_0768.JPG307 hits | 71.81 KB | Posted: 11/11/0911-5-09
IMG_0769.JPG303 hits | 72.86 KB | Posted: 11/11/09
IMG_0770.JPG334 hits | 73.12 KB | Posted: 11/11/09
IMG_0765.JPG297 hits | 71.67 KB | Posted: 11/11/0911-5-09
IMG_0764.JPG298 hits | 61.44 KB | Posted: 11/11/0911-5-09
IMG_0741.JPG285 hits | 72.03 KB | Posted: 11/11/0910-5-09
IMG_0740.JPG304 hits | 80.21 KB | Posted: 11/11/0910-5-09
IMG_0739.JPG295 hits | 58.59 KB | Posted: 4/28/10