IMG_0932.JPG285 hits | 55.48 KB | Posted: 4/12/06Loaded up
IMG_0934.JPG265 hits | 66.15 KB | Posted: 4/12/06Just one more thing, theres always one more thing.
IMG_0946.JPG285 hits | 25.48 KB | Posted: 4/12/06Lake Cushman
IMG_0956.JPG301 hits | 63.78 KB | Posted: 4/12/06singing campfire songs
IMG_0957.JPG264 hits | 60.74 KB | Posted: 4/12/06Marty just cant take it anymore
IMG_0966.JPG266 hits | 116.1 KB | Posted: 4/12/06Joe scoping the layout
IMG_0967.JPG284 hits | 123.28 KB | Posted: 4/12/06Joe being joe
IMG_0968.JPG255 hits | 92.38 KB | Posted: 4/12/06Joe observing the rules
IMG_0977.JPG285 hits | 46.73 KB | Posted: 4/12/06Lake Cushman - Came across several beautiful shots like this one
IMG_0978.JPG294 hits | 61.83 KB | Posted: 4/12/06End of the road and thatsnow joke !
IMG_0983.JPG297 hits | 75.53 KB | Posted: 4/12/06Thinkin this is about it for the day, snow sucks !
IMG_0996.JPG302 hits | 76.29 KB | Posted: 4/12/06Found one small area, and probably could have gone further on it but not into it .
IMG_1009.JPG364 hits | 93.65 KB | Posted: 4/12/06Sun came out, as we pulled up. The excitement builds
IMG_1011.JPG383 hits | 105.41 KB | Posted: 4/12/06That was one hell of a starting point,
IMG_1012.JPG339 hits | 125.51 KB | Posted: 4/12/06Riding the trail, many times testing the limits both the truck and mine !
IMG_1016.JPG276 hits | 101.74 KB | Posted: 4/12/06
IMG_1012.JPG300 hits | 125.51 KB | Posted: 4/12/06Riding the trail, many times testing the limits both the truck and mine !