left.jpg491 hits | 112.28 KB | Posted: 10/25/06view of left brake hose
left1.jpg415 hits | 93.13 KB | Posted: 10/25/06another view of the end in question
leftend.jpg402 hits | 116.48 KB | Posted: 10/25/06and again
leftjunction.jpg335 hits | 70.88 KB | Posted: 10/25/06junction between hard line and hose
leftjunction2.jpg389 hits | 138.39 KB | Posted: 10/25/06and again
right.jpg368 hits | 100.3 KB | Posted: 10/25/06view of right hose
right1.jpg365 hits | 83.04 KB | Posted: 10/25/06and again
rightjunction.jpg401 hits | 93.69 KB | Posted: 10/25/06view of right end (which is correct on new hose) and junction