01spring.jpg369 hits | 64.48 KB | Posted: 8/13/07Let's say you have a strong spring. (This is the centerstand spring from my 1975 CB750.)
02short.jpg346 hits | 37.45 KB | Posted: 8/13/07And you need to stretch it to reach the hooks to which it mounts.
03pennies.jpg347 hits | 66.14 KB | Posted: 8/13/07All it takes is some common cents.
04vise.jpg354 hits | 57.71 KB | Posted: 8/13/07Stick it in a vise, just to hold it so you can bend it.
05bend.jpg373 hits | 87.54 KB | Posted: 8/13/07Like this. See those gaps when you bend it? Stick pennies in there.
06extension.jpg337 hits | 41.71 KB | Posted: 8/13/07Like this. A 1/4" extension works fine to make it bend farther.
07more.jpg383 hits | 38 KB | Posted: 8/13/07Add some more pennies.
08lots.jpg423 hits | 80.98 KB | Posted: 8/13/07Lots more pennies.
09almost.jpg392 hits | 48.35 KB | Posted: 8/13/07It's almost long enough now, but not quite. Obvious solution?
10evenmore.jpg442 hits | 45.21 KB | Posted: 8/13/07Add yet more pennies.
11enough.jpg363 hits | 51.01 KB | Posted: 8/13/07Okay, this better be enough pennies.
12done.jpg369 hits | 36.72 KB | Posted: 8/13/07Yup, just right.
13pennies.jpg342 hits | 50.09 KB | Posted: 8/13/07Now pull them all out with pliers. Voila, spring installed with hardly any sweat at all.Obviously...