coolingmod1.jpg 277 hits | 96.39 KB | Posted: 3/18/06 rear ds head cooling mod 1
coolingmod2.jpg 251 hits | 102.74 KB | Posted: 3/18/06 rear ds head cooling mod 2
engineclose.JPG 307 hits | 143 KB | Posted: 3/18/06 Finished long block, on pallet, in back of van, on the way back to Chicago from Renegade.
(front vi...
enginerear.JPG 284 hits | 73.63 KB | Posted: 3/18/06 Finished long block, on pallet, in back of van (with the rest of the r/r stuff), on the way back to ...
wornpartsC2.JPG 357 hits | 142.82 KB | Posted: 5/8/06 What moderately high-mileage modular engine internals look like if you don't regularly change the oi...