DSCN2840.JPG616 hits | 101.73 KB | Posted: 10/12/08removable fenders sure make easy access
DSCN2845.JPG549 hits | 84.73 KB | Posted: 10/12/08
DSCN2842.JPG986 hits | 90.59 KB | Posted: 10/12/08new ported power steering box
DSCN2843.JPG547 hits | 97.55 KB | Posted: 10/12/08new pump compared to sag replacement pump
DSCN2844.JPG558 hits | 75.97 KB | Posted: 10/12/08Ground mounting bracket for pump clearance.
DSCN2846.JPG571 hits | 95.65 KB | Posted: 10/12/08
DSCN2860.JPG542 hits | 89.45 KB | Posted: 10/12/08
DSCN2861.JPG547 hits | 91.9 KB | Posted: 10/12/08
DSCN2862.JPG560 hits | 116.89 KB | Posted: 10/12/08Makin up a new high pressure line
DSCN2863.JPG592 hits | 90.15 KB | Posted: 10/12/08
DSCN2864.JPG539 hits | 94.96 KB | Posted: 10/12/08
DSCN2865.JPG716 hits | 94.77 KB | Posted: 10/12/08resi mounting bracket
DSCN2866.JPG583 hits | 102.14 KB | Posted: 10/12/08
DSCN2867.JPG539 hits | 92.37 KB | Posted: 10/12/08
DSCN2869.JPG618 hits | 92.62 KB | Posted: 10/12/08installing new pump pulley
DSCN2875.JPG564 hits | 95.63 KB | Posted: 10/12/08
DSCN2876.JPG560 hits | 98.51 KB | Posted: 10/12/08
DSCN2878.JPG537 hits | 100.46 KB | Posted: 10/12/08
DSCN2881.JPG566 hits | 98.49 KB | Posted: 10/12/08all painted and remembered I needed to drill the "speed hole"
DSCN2905.JPG478 hits | 104.17 KB | Posted: 10/23/08
DSCN2906.JPG514 hits | 100.35 KB | Posted: 10/26/08Tight!!
DSCN2907.JPG484 hits | 99.3 KB | Posted: 10/26/08
DSCN2908.JPG494 hits | 113.66 KB | Posted: 10/26/08First mounting option. Ended up hitting the trackbar at full stuff while turning.
DSCN2910.JPG518 hits | 75.02 KB | Posted: 10/26/08Drilled tie rod. Can see how thick the wall with 1 1/4 dom sleeved by 1 1/2 dom.
DSCN2911.JPG497 hits | 113.58 KB | Posted: 10/26/08Checking clearances
DSCN2912.JPG502 hits | 95.79 KB | Posted: 10/26/08
DSCN2914.JPG528 hits | 87.45 KB | Posted: 10/26/08
DSCN2915.JPG527 hits | 98.08 KB | Posted: 10/26/08
DSCN2916.JPG528 hits | 91.44 KB | Posted: 10/26/08Full compression
DSCN2917.JPG530 hits | 91.8 KB | Posted: 10/26/08Full compression
DSCN2920.JPG567 hits | 109.86 KB | Posted: 10/26/08
DSCN2939.JPG515 hits | 103.92 KB | Posted: 11/11/08