Jun16_29.JPG1175 hits | 45.15 KB | Posted: 6/29/03just playing out and about the kingman area
Jun16_43.JPG1165 hits | 46.14 KB | Posted: 6/29/03just another picture
Jun16_13.JPG1145 hits | 34.96 KB | Posted: 6/29/03favorite sticker on hte truck
bronco_tag.jpg780 hits | 19.69 KB | Posted: 6/29/03cool bronco tag
Jul09_02.JPG642 hits | 45.02 KB | Posted: 6/29/03my front tag glad to be out of cali and put this on
Jul05_12.JPG633 hits | 14.33 KB | Posted: 6/29/03some of the scenery around here
v14.jpg629 hits | 30.18 KB | Posted: 6/29/03
JOHN_AND_VICKI.JPG750 hits | 30.18 KB | Posted: 6/29/03me and the rotti
Oatman-John_2.JPG658 hits | 32.27 KB | Posted: 6/29/03about 5 miles outside Oatman AZ
Sep17_16.JPG681 hits | 32.87 KB | Posted: 6/29/03
4x4_160x55b.gif648 hits | 32.87 KB | Posted: 6/29/03
PC_06.JPG628 hits | 31.18 KB | Posted: 6/29/03p.c. ohv
PC_John_5.JPG566 hits | 35.32 KB | Posted: 6/29/03
wall3.jpg534 hits | 78.83 KB | Posted: 7/25/03update
teamrat sticker.jpg603 hits | 10.22 KB | Posted: 7/25/03
hmm.jpg1137 hits | 24.63 KB | Posted: 8/16/03
Photo001.jpg631 hits | 23.87 KB | Posted: 10/10/03new truck toy
Photo002.jpg626 hits | 24.48 KB | Posted: 10/10/03truck toy
1.JPG932 hits | 34.49 KB | Posted: 6/5/05